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Space Availability - Johnston Memorial Library

The Johnston Memorial Library has updated its study room policies; see policies below:

  • Users have up to 15 minutes to confirm their reservation before it is automatically canceled, and it will become available for other users to book.
  • If users do not show up within 15 minutes of their initial reservation start time, their reservation will be canceled. THIS MEANS YOU HAVE TO PICK UP YOUR KEY WITHIN 15 MINUTES OF YOUR RESERVATION START TIME!
  • If the user's Trojan Card does not match the name of the reservation, that user will not be granted the study room keys.

Group Study Room Usage Policies

The Library’s Group Study Rooms are located on the 2nd floor of Johnston Memorial Library(JML). Group Study Rooms are designed to accommodate 2-6 people.  We ask that users be courteous to fellow students by vacating the room at the appointed time and by leaving the room in the same condition in which it was found.

To reserve and access the study room:

  1. Select up to the block of time from the schedule below and fill out the required information.
  2. You will be sent a confirmation email.
  3. Come to the Information Desk in Johnston Memorial Library with your valid VSU ID to pick up the key at the reserved time.
  4. When your reserved time is over, you must return the key to the Circulation Desk. Do not give the key to the person with the next reservation.

For first-come, first-served study rooms.

I understand that my student ID must match the name on the reservation. Users will not receive the study room key if the names do not match.

Do not take the key outside the library or give it to another person.

If you lose the key or violate any of the terms and conditions, you will be charged $50 to replace the key, and you may lose booking privileges for the rest of the semester.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding